Receiving And Understanding Signs
Receiving And Understanding Signs
How to invite signs and guidance and learn to understand what comes
There is a relationship that we can develop with the energetic aspects of the universe, whether you want to call them angels, guides, helpers, spirit, energetic beings, or some other name, this is real, kind and loving, and it is here for us to connect with.
I created this course to help you have the tools to find out for yourself how it feels to receive signs, and know that this communication is for you, to help you navigate your life.
There are simple and effective guided practices included in each lesson.
What's inside?
Lesson 1: Inviting Signs
Signs are messages. They are communication meant for us, intended to be received and be useful. These messages can come to us in many ways. But before we can receive them, we need to have certain practices and mindset in place. In this lesson you will learn the important ingredients in becoming receptive to signs, and we'll do a bonus guided meditation to help attune you to this receptivity.