About Reiki Awakening Academy
Reiki Awakening Academy offers several programs for beginners, practitioners, teachers and enthusiasts. Our programs are designed to provide valuable resources and tools to support you on your new journey. Wherever you are in terms of intuitive development, Reiki Awakening Academy can help you rise above challenges and meet your personal and professional goals. Learn healing for yourself, and develop it into a thriving practice, wherever your journey takes you!

Alice Langholt, Ph.D.
Alice Langholt is a parent, author and Reiki Master Teacher, and is Certified Practitioner in EFT and Introspective Hypnosis. She teaches classes in Reiki and intuitive development locally and by distance. She is the Executive Director of Reiki Awakening Academy Online School of Intuitive Development.
Alice has a Ph.D. in Metaphysical Parapsychology, and Master’s degrees in Jewish Studies and Metaphysical Science. She is the author of the award-winning Reiki resource, Practical Reiki: for balance, well-being, and vibrant health. A guide to a simple, revolutionary energy healing method, as well as 20 other books on holistic subjects.
Living in the Washington, DC Metro area with her husband and four children, Alice teaches
Animal Reiki at Montgomery College, has a Reiki practice, and is also a wedding officiant.
Here's what some of our students say...
As soon as I verbally accepted the Practical Reiki Level 1 attunement, both my hands were tingling, pulsing, and warming up more than usual.
I felt relaxed and a quiet happiness gently washed over me, like the present moment was all there is, and that this moment was beautiful.
I felt gratitude for this very precious gift and my heart was smiling.
I felt connected to all energy and all life, and saw myself doing energy work along with many others in the world and felt a sense of pride, privilege, and responsibility.
Then warm and cool sensations both began to travel from my hands up through both of my arms into my chest. As this stage, both my hands were on my heart. The pain I was feeling in my right thumb this morning had gone, at least for now.
During the attunement, I was lying down and had quiet space to be present to the experience and the sensations in my body.
At different times I felt different sensations, over the course of about twenty minutes of paying attention. I felt an overall sensation of vibration – like a buzzing – all around my body for a part of the time.
At other times, I felt that more strongly in various parts of the body, my hands and feet in particular. I also felt for a part of the time waves of energy in my torso – mainly in my chest area, and at times if felt like my heart was pounding more intensely than usual.
I also heard a slight buzzing sound for much of the time – not sure if that was just sounds from the heating or another system in my home, or a different kind of sound.
Overall, it was some strange blend of being relaxed and intense/exciting at the same time.
A very calm and peaceful experience. My chest grew very warm and my palms were hot and tingling. I saw flashes of yellow, pink smoldering, and a little bit of green with my eyes close. I felt very calm, my mind was quiet and I drifted in and out of sleep (moms tend to fall asleep when they get into a quiet space :D) I woke feeling very rested and centered. Thank you <3
What’s Practical Reiki™?
Practical Reiki is a strong, simple way to learn Reiki healing. It’s an “unplugged” approach, which doesn’t require hand positions, symbols, or complicated rituals. Instead, Practical Reiki™ teaches you how to work with Reiki using a two-step process. You also learn how your intuition works, and how to observe it.
What is Reiki?
Reiki is an energy healing method for stress relief, pain relief, and better health. It’s a natural, holistic way to bring your mind, body, emotions, and spirit back into balance, so your body can heal itself more effectively.
Who should learn Practical Reiki™?
Learning Reiki is for EVERYONE! Regardless of your experience with intuition or energy, you CAN easily learn this powerful energy healing technique that will put healing into your own hands and change your life. Practical Reiki offers clear, down to earth explanations and analogies that most Reiki classes don’t cover. Learn what energy healing is, how to feel it, and how it works. Learn many ways that you can affect your health and circumstances, and help others. Learn what attunements are and how to give them.
How can I learn Practical Reiki™?
We recommend starting with our FREE intro to Practical Reiki™ Mini-course. This offers a great introduction to reiki, using intention, intuition, and the chakras. It is also a prerequisite for the Practical Reiki™ Independent Study course where you will receive your attunements.
Can Practical Reiki™ really be learned online/ by distance?
Yes! Reiki is life force energy. It’s everywhere and connects us all. Distance healing works, and distance attunements (the transmission of the ability to practice Reiki), are as effective as learning in person. Your teachers are passionately dedicated to your complete confidence and success in learning Reiki, so your learning experience will be effective. Your teachers are there for you for life to offer support, guidance, and encouragement. You won’t find a better program anywhere.
What can I do with Practical Reiki™ once I’ve learned it?
You can practice Reiki for yourself, for others, open a professional practice, or even teach Reiki! Go as far as your heart takes you! At Reiki Awakening Academy, we offer full support for your Reiki practice, personally and professionally.
How do I know that Practical Reiki™ works?
The textbook you’ll learn from, Practical Reiki: for balance, well-being, and vibrant health, won second place in the About.com Reader’s Choice Awards. The course, Practical Reiki for Nurses, has the approval of the Ohio Board of Nursing (8 CEs are available for RNs in most US states). The method has been taught to over 2,000 people, with complete success. Practical Reiki was taught for two summers in Lilydale, NY, as well as practiced at The Cleveland Clinic, in Washington, DC at The Institute for Spiritual Development, and the award-winning Practical Reiki textbook and workbook are sold in many holistic stores nationwide. It’s the new, modern approach to learning energy healing, developed for mainstream people as well as professionals.

Reiki Awakening Academy
Introduction to Practical Reiki™