Discover Practical Reiki Will Walk You Through the Exact, Proven and Repeatable Process We Use to Reduce Stress, Anxiety and Relief Pain. Without the Fluff

From the moment you watch the first video, the way you think about Reiki as an energy-healing method will begin shifting.

We will start by getting rid of old, unnecessary, and unproven ideas that will only overcomplicate the healing process.

Within minutes you’ll be able to identify what Reiki’s best practices are and how to apply them in your own healing sessions.

This course is all about the hands-on techniques we use to heal people on a day-to-day basis.

But you’re not only going to learn all the theory, and techniques from a book and answer a survey or test to get your cute-looking certificate.  

That’s not the stuff that will make you a powerful healer.

Instead, you will have to put in the work and do some actual Reiki every day you can. 

You will use the techniques you learned from each module and we will ask you questions, and you will have to share your experiences with us.

This way we ensure you truly understand what you’re doing and you’re ready for the next step. Plus we make sure you’re not just binge-watching the course and not putting in the work.

Same thing with your attunements, which are super powerful and completely personalized for each student. We will ensure you’re ready to take each step in your spiritual journey.

Everything you’ll learn in this course

The course consists of almost 5 hours of video content where Alice explains each level and lectures you about every chapter of the Practical Reiki™ book (get for free with your Kindle Unlimited or Audible subscriptions) you must read.

Plus a bunch of exercises and ways to use The Practical Reiki Companion workbook (get for free with your KindleUnlimited subscription). 

This self-paced course allows you to learn whenever you have some free time, and learn each level whenever you feel ready.

It doesn’t matter if… 

  • You have no previous experience with energy healing
  • You tried other types of Reiki but didn’t vibe with them
  • You’re busy with a full-time job or family obligations

We do have some time recommendations for you to follow, though. This is not a course you will finish in one weekend.

The idea is that, by the time you finish the course, you’ll be a true healer with the ability to connect with Reiki energy whenever you want and use it however you want.

Plus you’ll get the confidence to help other people heal effectively and get consistent results every time.

Here’s what you will learn in each level:

Practical Reiki Level 1

During your first attunement, the energy will flow through the crown chakra down to all the chakras of your body and your whole energy system.

The techniques you will learn in this module are:

  • Self-healing, to keep yourself relaxed, align your chakras and reduce pain.
  • Distance healing for healing other people even if they’re not in the same room as you. 
  • Preset healing, for healing people at specific times or events like surgeries, exams, meetings, etc.
  • Queued healing, for healing people whenever the receiver feels ready for that healing session.
  • Situation/qualities healing, where you tell the energy exactly what you want it to do. Let’s say you’re looking for a new job opportunity or struggling with money right now. You can ask Reiki energy to open opportunities for abundance to help you in your situation.
  • Karmic band healing, to heal or strengthen any relationship you have or heal the relationships of people you know. This is a great way to heal traumatic relationships you may have had with parents, family, or partners, No matter if they’re alive or they passed away.
  • Room cleansing, to remove any negative energy from any place you want. Usually, things like arguments or more traumatic events can leave “energetic residue” and this is a great way to get rid of those for you to feel at peace in the places you most need it. 


  • How you can turn Reiki energy on in less than a few seconds only using 2 words. It works every time!
  • How to enhance the nutritional content of foods in less than 2 minutes with a simple Reiki technique.
  • Why Reiki makes people more spiritual. People don’t think about life in the same way once they understand this.
  • The single most important thing to keep in mind when scanning someone, even if they’re not personally with you. Plus why feedback is often an underrated tool. 
  • The secret method to ensure you’re sending Reiki energy to the right person. Even if you don’t know them.
  • How to do self-healing anywhere and anytime. Plus the ultimate exercise to strengthen your intuition during self-healing.
  • Did you know our energy affects places, and that energy affects us too? Learn how to cleanse a room’s energy so it feels comfortable and relaxing. Get rid of bad and unwanted energies.
  • What never to do during a Reiki session. Understand the ethics, morality, and confidentiality of Reiki.
  • Why it’s so important to ask for permission before doing Reiki on someone. Not doing this could cause undesired effects.
  • Want to grow your intuition? Learn how it works, how to make it grow, and make it stronger with this simple exercise. 
  • Feeling tired, dizzy, or lack mental focus? Then you might be ungrounded. Discover 6 ways to ground yourself and instantly re-align your energy.
  • Need to send Reiki to someone during a specific time? Learn how to queue or preset Reiki energy so your patients can receive it whenever they need it.
  • How to protect your energy as a healer and avoid taking other people's negative energy with you. 
  • How to represent Reiki properly as a credible healing method and help make it mainstream. And help people discover and understand Reiki in one sentence.

Practical Reiki Level 2

During your second attunement, the energy will flow from the earth's energy to meet Reiki energy.

The techniques you will learn in this module are:

  • Practical Reiki cleansing, for cleansing all chakras and meridians Great for our energy to flow freely from chakra to chakra, and have a strong energy connection. (self-healing)


  • Why practical Reiki is different and stronger energetically than traditional and modern Reiki.
  • Why Practical Reiki is the safest form of learning Reiki to avoid energetic disruption, bad sensations, and undesired experiences. 
  • The biggest difference between regular self-healing and Practical Reiki cleansing. Why other methods aren’t nearly as effective.
  • Want to get the life of your dreams? A healthy family? A good group of friends? Achieve financial freedom? Learn how to use Reiki for the things that matter to you and make your life better.
  • Don’t feel yourself healing as strongly as when you’re healing someone else? Discover why we feel the energy differently depending on who we’re healing.

Practical Reiki Level 3

The attunement from this level will give you the ability to attune other people.

The techniques you will learn in this module are:

  • Causal healing, for healing the deeper underlying cause of an issue.
  • Crystalline healing, for dissolving remnants and residue of past traumas.
  • DNA healing, for repairing any strands that are damaged due to genetics, diseases, or environmental causes.
  • Birth trauma, for releasing or healing any trauma that happened from our own birth experience.
  • Location healing, for healing and releasing the tie between a location where you suffered a traumatic experience and you.
  • Past life healing, for releasing and healing residual blockages or traumas caused by one's past life experiences.


  • The 30-second self-healing technique that balances all of your chakras and works actively for an hour. Get the benefits of an entire session in just 30 seconds.
  • Why you should activate all of the level 3 healings on yourself before giving any of them to anyone else 
  • The two most essential things to know before you give an attunement.
  • The 8-step process to give an effective and powerful attunement. Make your students feel the energy pouring through their chakras and energetic system.

To learn all of this knowledge and lessons from an experienced Reiki master, you will find so-called reputable institutions and teachers that charge up to a few thousand dollars.

But don’t give up just yet, while it’s true there are unbelievably overpriced options out there.

I’ve worked a special deal just for you, so you don’t have to pay nearly as much to start your healing journey today.

Our goal is to make Reiki easy to learn, and accessible to everyone, no matter what your income is.

In fact, you could be saving up to 90% and get some affordable payment plan options.  

But before I tell you the price of this course, let me tell you the bonuses you will get if you decide to study with us.

On top of your Reiki course, you will get:

  • Instant access to my course “Rapidly Neutralize Stress & Anxiety,” which includes over an hour of new video content and course material. Valued at $19.97.
  • Lifetime support from Alice for your Reiki journey. Get personalized advice, help in overcoming challenges, emotional support and encouragement, boost your confidence in practicing Reiki, and more. 
  • When you finally complete all the modules and receive all your attunements, you will be able to become a Certified Practical Reiki Instructor to heal other people professionally.

PLUS we offer a money-back guarantee

If, after going through level 1 you aren’t 100% thrilled with this program you get your money back, no questions asked.

This way you can try the course for yourself RISK FREE.

Just USD $297

Or 4 interest-free payments of USD $74.25

*  check other payment plans available *

Why Practical Reiki over any of the other courses?

We will tell you the disturbing practices other businesses do to manipulate you and sell you their courses, plus how we are fighting against that with our Academy and mission.

You may have heard about an energy-healing method that helps people relax and improve their health.

Or maybe you tried it for yourself. You scheduled an appointment with your local Reiki practitioner, and that made you want to learn more about Reiki.

But there’s a problem with how Reiki is taught nowadays, and you need to know this.

There are as many ways to teach Reiki as there are practitioners/masters.

From using crystals, symbols, fixed hand positions, or other elements from different healing methods.

And, there’s nothing wrong with acquiring different tools from other modalities. 

But when it comes to learning Reiki, it’s best to focus on connecting with this powerful universal healing energy with as few elements as you can.

The truth is, the original Usui Reiki was pretty simple… from the beginning.

It just required you to be present and connect with the energy: no hand positions, no symbols. 

Just you flowing with the energy.

So we took a lot of inspiration from Mikao Usui’s original healing method and distilled it to its simplest form, to help new aspiring Reiki practitioners learn how to use this energy every day without any of the hassle. 

Imagine this…

It’s your first week of learning Reiki, you received your first attunement and you start doing self-reiki everyday.

You use Reiki at work, at home, before you go to sleep, everywhere.

And you start feeling better, more connected with yourself.

Even your friends and family start noticing that you look less stressed and better rested.

So you tell them about this thing you’ve been learning, Reiki. And you start demonstrating Reiki on them.

Now they’re asking you to send them distance Reiki when they’re anxious at work or they feel sick.

What if I told you that you can do all this and more advanced techniques by learning ONLY level 1 of Practical Reiki?

And these are only the techniques you will learn on level 1 (and learn the other levels whenever you want). 

This is the ONLY method that will teach you that many techniques from the beginning and teach you how to use Reiki in your day-to-day life.

With our method, you can learn all three levels and eventually become a Reiki master with our complete, personal guidance.

Most of the other Reiki healing methods you will find today will make you learn a ton of unnecessary stuff.

And at the end of the day you end up thinking “Is this it?” 

They make you learn so much that you never learn how to feel the energy, how to connect with it, and use it in your daily life.

But we actually want you to connect with Reiki energy quickly and effectively. So we got rid of all of that.

That’s why our Reiki healing method is the most effective way to connect with universal healing energy.

It is so simple and easy to learn that anyone can become a powerful healer if they want to.

By removing all of the unnecessary “stuff,” we can focus on the different Reiki healing techniques right from the beginning, allowing you to use this energy practice every day at any moment.

You will be able to:

  • Give Reiki to yourself to align your chakras and feel at peace.
  • Perform Reiki on others to help them with chronic pain, headaches, or process trauma.
  • Heal your relationships with other people as a form of self-healing, for example, if you had a traumatic relationship with your dad you can use this technique to heal and feel better.

You can also heal other people’s relationships like couples, marriages, and family. 

This is the same method we’ve been using in Reiki Awakening for over 15 years and our clients absolutely love it.

It is also the same method we’ve taught over 2,500 students in the last 15 years.

Over the years, we’ve been able to test our healing method, pay attention to the results, and improve it to reach the best outcomes.

We have put in the time to make sure what you learn is truly effective.

By now you might be wondering… Why didn't I know about this earlier?

Why keep over-complicating something that should be simple and it’s already effective?

And at the end of the day, it all comes down to the new ways we have to communicate.

Like social media, YouTube, blogs, etc.

People need to differentiate themselves and cause a big impact from the first second to have some sort of relevance.

They have to come up with new stuff every day so their audience doesn’t get bored and the algorithm ends their career.

That’s why they want to sell you the “shiny new thing”, a revolutionary healing method that has never been seen before.

They incorporate a bunch of stuff from different healing modalities to create something that’s so diluted that it doesn’t even work.

The worst part about all this is that they make YOU lose your precious time and energy.

But now you know it’s not your fault, you’ve been misled by all of these social media gurus and influencers.

Time and energy are the most precious and sacred things we have, that’s why we have to use them carefully.

And the truth is, if you want to make better use of those you have to stop giving your attention to them.

They don’t care about your success as a healer, and they don’t care about your spiritual journey either.

But we do, we care about you as a person, as a student, as a healer. We want YOU to be the most confident and successful Reiki practitioner you can possibly be.

It doesn’t matter if all you’re ever going to do is self-healing, offering Reiki to friends, or doing this professionally. 

To understand why we care so much about our students, first, you have to know Alice’s story.

Alice Langholt, Ph.D. developed this healing method after a long spiritual healing and self-discovery journey. 

Her journey started when she learned level 1  with a local Reiki master, but she was quite underwhelmed with the experience.

After a year, she took level 2 with the same teacher and that’s when her teacher taught her how to feel the energy.

From that moment Alice wanted to explore Reiki more and more, and she learned different types of Reiki to deepen her understanding of the subject.

She eventually developed a unique and powerful healing style and tried it with her clients. 

And because of how effective this healing method was in helping people deal with stress, trauma, and chronic pain, she’s now teaching her way of doing Reiki.

Alice’s clients’ and students’ reviews speak for themselves:

So if you want to learn Reiki from somebody who cares about your success and will give you lifelong support through your journey, you’re in the right place.

If you choose to learn Reiki with us right now, you will be making better use of your time and energy.

And if you’re reading this, it’s not a coincidence. Life puts us exactly where we are supposed to be at the right time.

You’re here for a reason.

So I’m going to walk you through what is like to learn Reiki with us.

When you learn Reiki at Reiki Awakening Academy you don’t get your typical course where you watch a bunch of videos and get a certification.

When you learn Reiki with us, you get the theory, but you also get the practice plus the guidance and feedback of Alice herself. 

If you’re ready to kickstart your spiritual journey while learning at your own pace from anywhere in the world. Here’s how the course works.